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(Vespula vulgaris)


Method of Control

Or the Oriental hornet Vespa orientalis (Oriental Hornet; English: Oriental hornet), is a kind of wasp wasps that like to sting and live in colonies.

Similar to the European hornet (Vespa crabro; European hornet) and the Asian giant hornet (Vespa mandarinia; Asian giant hornet).
Many are found in the Mediterranean region, including Israel, but also in Madagascar and India.
As a result of being carried by human movement, their habitat began to spread to South America and even to Mexico.

The queen wasp is 25 to 35 mm long; male and female worker wasps are smaller.

In male wasps, the antennae have 13 books, while in female wasps always consist of 12 books.

In 2010 a team from several universities in Israel and the UK found that the yellow stripe on the wasp's abdomen was able to convert sunlight into energy.

The main metabolic activity occurs in the yellow pigment layer, where the sun is the main energy source.

This process may occur in the presence of a pigment called " xanthopterin ".

This could explain why these insects are more active when the sun is hot, unlike other wasps.

Personal protective equipment


  • Anti Bee / Wasp clothing

  • Leather gloves

  • Full face mask

  • Safety shoes / Boots


Height area: Full Body Harness


Mechanical (Manual Removal)

Areas that are easy to reach:
Wasp nest cover with plastic
Vacuum at the mouth of the nest (especially wasps)


Height area:
Use gaff / burn wasp nests
Scaffolding assistance


Insecticide Foam / Foam
Aerosol Insecticide



Prevent reinfestation:
Apply Vaseline/grease or Residual spray


Types of Wasps

1. Honey Bees


This bee has a medium size with golden brown color on the belly and a striking ribbon. Honey bees follow the flower cycle on trees, shrubs, perennials and other plants.

Favorite Food

In contrast to adult wasps which are predominantly herbivorous, wasp larvae are generally carnivores that eat the flesh of other animals. The diet varies, from aphids, insect larvae, cocoons, grasshoppers, to tarantulas.

Steps to Avoid Stings

Do nest elimination at dark/dusk and avoid being behind spotlights.
Use shoes and shoe covers when passing through the grass area.

Avoid garden areas, flowers that have the potential to become an area for bees.

Use long-sleeved shirts and long pants in areas that are at risk for wasps.


The use of a wasp suit / anti bee/wasp clothing is recommended in areas where the wasp risk is present.

Avoid dark clothing as wasps are attracted to the color of dark clothing, which puts them at risk of being stung.
Avoid using fragrances, perfumes when in outdoor areas.
Some foods invite wasps such as open trash bins, soft drink/beer bottles that are open to potential attract wasp/wasp.
Stay calm when there are wasps around you. Wasp stings usually result from sudden movements (reflex).


Do not shine lights on the beehive, as this can attract wasps to attack.

2. Bumblebee (Wasp)

This one bee is known as the wild bee or beetle. A large, hairy bee.


Most of the body is black with bright and distinctive stripes on the chest and stomach.


This bee is one that stings but can be tame when working.


Its job is to collect nectar and pollen in plants.


This bee also has yellow hair on the chest and upper abdomen.

3. Carpenter Bee (Wood Bees)


The male bee on the wood bee does not sting.


But it would be annoying if there were people who approached the area.


Usually interferes with flying around the person.


Female wood bee that can sting, but is not aggressive.


As a form of resistance to other people or animals who disturb.


These bees are in tunnels or cavities of wood or twigs.

4. Sweat Bees

Sweat Bee is a small and agile bee, harmless to humans.


For color, these bees are quite varied, ranging from gray to metallic green.


Although harmless, the female bee from Sweat Bees is able to sting if it feels threatened.


To get rid of it, just gently push it or blow it.


So sweat bees will not feel threatened and are able to leave without having to sting.

5. Yellow Jackets


Yellow jackets or yellow jackets are one of the wasps that can sting many times.


Some of them build nests on the ceiling, but some build houses on the ground.


It is the same size and is bright yellow-black in color.

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Types of Bees / Wasps

Wasp infestation in your environment can be annoying

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