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fumigasi, basmi hama


"Fumigation can be interpreted as an act of chemicals entering into the space enclosed and airtight by spreading quickly in the gas phase or steam to kill the target organism to be controlled"

Scope of Work

This guide explains the procedures for conducting a survey for the feasibility of pile fumigation work, from commodities, pile conditions, location of fumigation, and information that supports the implementation of pile fumigation properly.

Background History

Fumigation is a specialized and highly technical field, to achieve a successful and safe implementation requires skills, knowledge, and experience. Only trained personnel are allowed to carry out fumigation operations.


Preparation for fumigation begins with the implementation of the correct survey, where the results of the survey can provide information that determines whether or not the fumigation process can be carried out safely for goods /commodities that are fumigated, operators, customers and the environment around the fumigation area.

In conducting a survey for pile fumigation work, there are several things that need to be considered, including:


  • Fumigation Locations

  • Identification of Commodities/goods to be fumigated.

  • Fumigation History

  • Commodity stacking conditions.

  • Pest Identification

Materials that must not be fumigated by using

Phosphine (PH3) *

  • Copper, a material that contains copper

  • Electronic goods, machines, and electric motors

  • Silver, gold, and materials containing silver and gold

  • Silk textiles

  • Museum specimen containing the above ingredients

Materials that must not be fumigated by using

Methyl Bromide (CH3Br) *

  • Wheat flour, high protein flour, bone meal, baking powder, high fat soybean flour

  • Cheese, full cream milk, butter, and cashew nuts

  • Tobacco and tobacco and cigar products

  • Clothing made of wool, especially Angora, and fine knitted/woven threads

  • Feathers, furs, articles of horsehair, feather pillows, and material from feathers (chicken/goose)

  • Leather goods, especially skin that is soft/smooth and leather that is tanned using sulfur

  • Silk

  • Sponge, foam rubber used for rugs, pillows, bolsters, mattresses and furniture upholstery

  • Rubber stamps and the like

  • Iodized salt stabilized using sodium hyposulfite

  • Salt blocks for livestock

  • Soap and soap powder

  • Chemical photography, prints and blueprints

  • Rug

  • Paper that is refined / bleached by the sulfide process and foil

  • Vinyls and cellophane

  • Wood charcoal, coal, briquette charcoal and activated carbon

  • Other materials containing reactive sulfur compounds

  • Plant seeds, tubers, seeds and seeds for planting

  • Vegetables and fruit with high water content, especially when fresh

1500 166


Operating Hours

Grand Slipi Tower Suite

FI, 37th Floor.

Jl. S Parman, Kav 22-24

Jakarta 11480

Phone: (021) 290 222 66


08.00 AM - 05.00 PM


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